Gotham City Sirens Zine

A charity fanzine dedicated to the Gotham City Sirens: Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Catwoman.

Who are we?

This is a zine dedicated to Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Catwoman. While we will allow content with other characters, we prefer the majority of the focus to be on these main 3. For the main zine we prefer no explicit romance, however, implied romance is fine. We are planning on having a separate zine for romance between the characters. The main zine will be SFW, therefore no nudity or gore (some blood is fine). Funds from this zine will be donated to the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice.

More information can be found HERE


Imani: Head Mod and Graphics
@simpking69 on Twitter

Kelsey: Writing and Art
@keletania on Tumblr

Mennie: Writing and Art
@melpomeny on Tumblr

Mia: Production and Merch
@leoniepinelli on Tumblr

Kate: Logistics and Organization
@girleasemymind on Tumblr

Isa: Social Media
@hildagoneril on Twitter

Sydey: Finance
@edelgardlesbian on Twitter

Tentative Timeline:

Interest Check: June 15th- July 15th COMPLETED
Contributor Applications: July 21 - August 21 - COMPLETED
Decisions Sent By: August 28
Creation Period: August 30 - November 20th - COMPLETED
Preorders: Feb 14 - April 16 - COMPLETED
Shipping: TBD

Ways to Contact Us

Email: [email protected]

© Tessier-Ashpool S.A. All rights reserved.